90 Day Guarantee


Possibly the most important weapon in the battle for better health.

Airnergy is a portable, compact machine for use in the home or clinic that creates "energised air" that feeds every cell in the body with oxygen that it can absorb and use more efficiently.

  • Boosts energy levels making you feel stronger, fitter and faster
  • Increases your mental agility, making you more alert
  • Strengthens your immune system to fight infection and disease.
  • Stimulates your circulation, heart, lung and brain function.
  • Reduces stress, tiredness and the effects of chronic illness.

Airnergy is the 1st technology to make the air we inhale utilisable. After all, we exhale ¾ of the oxygen in the air we breathe - our number 1 food and remedy - again without utilising it.

Airnergy has been described as the "fountain of youth" and is used for air energy therapy in hospitals, sports clinics, beauty clinics, therapy centres and is also safe enough to use in private homes.

Airnergy Air Energy therapy has been used for a wide variety of purposes including sports injuries, anti-aging therapies, chronic conditions such as arthritis, ME, asthma and much more.

Airnergy was developed in Germany and is used by the German Olympic teams.

Airnergy Professional Plus

The top device for the highest demands of professional use and the highest performance. With four activation units and practical extra functions for the therapy.

Short description
>>Recommended application: 15 min (at least 3 times per week)
>>4 Airnergy activation units
>>2 years guarantee
>>First service after 8,000 applications of 15 min
More Information about Airnergy Professional Plus
Airnergy Professional Plus

Airnergy Wellness

Airnergy Wellness

This is the device for more demanding applications. A second activation unit ensures intensive energy and even more pronounced effects.

Short description
>> Recommended application: 30 min (at least 3 times per week)
>> 2 Airnergy activation units
>> 2 years guarantee
>> First service after 4,000 applications of 30 min.
More about Airnergy Wellness

Airnergy Stream

For local pain treatment
Airnergy Stream helps accelerate and improve self-healing and regeneration processes for many different pain symptoms and disorders.

Use of the Airnergy Stream is recommended to reduce acute and chronic pain, to treat mild injuries, including bone fractures, and for eye and ear disorders or wounds that do not heal well.

The function of the Airnergy Stream is based on the latest findings from the tried and tested Airnergy energy therapy.
More about Airnergy Stream
Airnergy Stream

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