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Suggested Reading

A small and select range of publications related to Omega 3 & Carnosine.
The books are listed below....
Suggested Reading

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Natural Way to Treat ADHD Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Natural Way to Treat ADHD
Professor B.K. Puri, Consultant at Hammersmith Hospital and Imperial College London, is the author of over 100 scientific papers and more than 20 books.

He explains: "Taking a combination of ultra-pure EPA (a natural fatty acid) with virgin evening primrose oil can be beneficial in conditions such as depression, ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), chronic fatigue syndrome (ME), psoriasis, Huntington`s chorea, arthritis and high blood pressure."

Available to order direct from Amazon Books, please click on the link below.  

Carnosine & Other Elixirs of Youth - The Miraculous Anti-Ageing Supplement (Book) Carnosine & Other Elixirs of Youth - The Miraculous Anti-Ageing Supplement (Book)
One of the most promising and powerful tools in the fight against the ageing process is the nutrient, Carnosine. There have been many claims and misconceptions about the possible and actual benefits of Carnosine, but Dr. Kyriazis puts the record straight.

He presents the evidence in a balanced and persuasive style, basing his arguments on sound scientific data, but using non-technical terminology so that the information is easily accessible to a wide audience.

Available to order direct from Amazon Books, please click on the link below and follow the links.  

The Healing Power of Flax by Herb Joiner-Bey, N.D. (RRP £13.99) The Healing Power of Flax by Herb Joiner-Bey, N.D. (RRP £13.99)
Not all fats are bad. In fact, doctors and researchers have discovered that some fats are essential for optimum health - thats why they are called essential fatty acids

What many people dont know is that flax and flaxseed oil are natures richest source of omega-3s and contain twice as much omega-3 fatty acids as fish oil products - without the aftertaste, and at a more affordable price. The Healing Power of Flax reveals how this important missing nutrient in your diet can help prevent heart disease, arthritis, chronic pain and inflammation. Flax is also an incredibly rich source of a group of compounds, called lignans, that may prevent certain types of cancer, especially breast and prostate cancer.

Learn how flax and flaxseed oil and the omega-3 fatty acids they contain can dramatically benefit and help prevent the following conditions;

>Heart Disease
>High cholesterol levels
>High blood pressure
>Rheumatoid arthritis
>Multiple sclerosis
>Dry skin, psoriasis, eczema

INCLUDES 101 Flaxseed and Flaxseed Oil Recipes for a Healthier Life 

Price:   £6.99

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The Natural Way to Beat Depression by Prof Basant Puri The Natural Way to Beat Depression by Prof Basant Puri
If you're depressed - clinically, reactively or just feeling down, The Natural Way to Beat Depression might just be the sun emerging from behind the clouds. With orthodox treatment offering only medication with serious side-effects, recovery is often a long and painful process. And patients are often not so much cured, as their symptoms suppressed and replaced by a lifelong addiction to the prescribed antidepressant.

But now a new solution is emerging that is safe, effective and entirely natural. By ensuring an adequate supply of EPA a nutrient contained in oily fish Dr Basant Puri has achieved incredible success even in patients who have failed to respond to any conventional treatment. Now, for the first time, he reveals why omega-3 and 6 fatty acids are so extraordinarily effective - and how we can incorporate EPA into a healthy lifestyle to gain from its remarkable benefits ourselves.

Available to order direct from Amazon Books, please click on the link below and follow the links.  

The Omega Diet by Artemis P. Simopoulos, Jo Robinson The Omega Diet by Artemis P. Simopoulos, Jo Robinson
Introduces a six-week program designed to restore the proper balance of fatty acids in the human diet and explains how to promote natural weight loss and lower the risk of diseases.

"Of all the diets, this is the one most apt to make most Americans feel better, live longer, and stay healthier... The book is full of gems of dietary wisdom and practical advice." Jean Carper, health writer

Available to order direct from Amazon Books, please click on the link below.  

User's Guide to Carnosine by Marie Moneysmith User's Guide to Carnosine by Marie Moneysmith
Carnosine, one of the most powerful antioxidant nutrients ever discovered, can rev up the immune system, fight inflammatory diseases, speed healing of wounds, and enhance recovery from surgery. Supported by hundreds of scientific studies, carnosine is now emerging as one of the key anti-aging nutrients, capable of slowing down the aging process. Marie Moneysmith explains everything readers need to know about carnosine supplements, including how and when to take them.

Available to order direct from Amazon Books, please click on the link below and follow the links. 

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