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L-Carnosine (Carnosine)

An anti-ageing super-antioxidant which may fight age-related changes in the skin, brain, heart, muscles and other tissues.
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L-Carnosine (Carnosine)

L-Carnosine 500mg (High Strength) x 90 Capsules L-Carnosine 500mg (High Strength) x 90 Capsules

An anti-ageing super-antioxidant which may help to fight age-related changes in the skin, brain, heart, muscles and other tissues. L-Carnosine is an amino acid which is scientifically well documented as a non-toxic natural nutritional supplement.

Carnosine has the may help the following needs and conditions

  • Anti-ageing
  • Increase Longevity
  • Rejuvenates the skin
  • Reduces Muscle ageing, muscle disorders
  • Increases Sports Endurance
  • Increases Sexual Potency & Erections
  • Cataracts
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease (Heart & Strokes)
  • Neurological and psychiatric disorders - Neuro-protectant, Alzheimer´s disease, Parkinson´s disease, Epilepsy and schizophrenia, Autistic Spectrum Disorders
    Other health benefits

Contains 500 mg pure L-Carnosine/capsule.
Supplied in bottles of 90 capsules equivalent to approx. 3 months supply @ 1 per day
Not suitable for vegetarians

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What is L-Carnosine?

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Price:  (3 or more items) £26.99 - Price incl. VAT at 15%

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Carnosine & Other Elixirs of Youth - The Miraculous Anti-Ageing Supplement (Book) Carnosine & Other Elixirs of Youth - The Miraculous Anti-Ageing Supplement (Book)
One of the most promising and powerful tools in the fight against the ageing process is the nutrient, Carnosine. There have been many claims and misconceptions about the possible and actual benefits of Carnosine, but Dr. Kyriazis puts the record straight.

He presents the evidence in a balanced and persuasive style, basing his arguments on sound scientific data, but using non-technical terminology so that the information is easily accessible to a wide audience.

Available to order direct from Amazon Books, please click on the link below and follow the links.  

User's Guide to Carnosine by Marie Moneysmith User's Guide to Carnosine by Marie Moneysmith
Carnosine, one of the most powerful antioxidant nutrients ever discovered, can rev up the immune system, fight inflammatory diseases, speed healing of wounds, and enhance recovery from surgery. Supported by hundreds of scientific studies, carnosine is now emerging as one of the key anti-aging nutrients, capable of slowing down the aging process. Marie Moneysmith explains everything readers need to know about carnosine supplements, including how and when to take them.

Available to order direct from Amazon Books, please click on the link below and follow the links. 

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