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Omega 3 - are you buying Lard?

The EU supplements regulations (2006) were supposed to protect you the buyer.

However, the law doesn’t at this time include Omega 3, which means that many Omega 3s are basically raw Fish Offal crushed to produce what looks a like a health supplement.

How can they get away with it?

  • Because Bad Fish Oil looks the same as Good Fish Oil!

Add to that, the price pressure being put on suppliers by the large supermarkets, who rarely do their own product testing and continue to push suppliers into the ground, and once again the consumer suffers.

How then can you the consumer, discover whether your Omega 3 capsules contain Good Fat or Bad Fat?

The Freezer test

Troubled by the low grade of many supermarket products worldwide, Dr Vlad Coric of Yale University a specialist in Essential Fatty Acids devised a simple test to enable consumers to discover whether they have purchased refined Omega 3 fish oil or a variation of Lard.

The test he devised can be tried in your kitchen and easily distinguishes the good from the bad.

Since omega-3 fatty acids are unsaturated ("good") fats, they remain liquid even when the temperature is below room temperature. However, saturated fats solidify below room temperature and consequently, lower purity omega-3 products (lower levels of omega-3s and higher saturated or "unwanted" or "bad" fats) will solidify in a like fashion.

Simply place your Omega 3 capsules in the freezer for 24 hours and if they turn white and cloudy you are consuming lard.

Tests were conducted using a number of Supermarket, Online and High Street products against Omax3 pharmaceutical grade Omega 3 with startling results

Dr Vlad Coric commented
“The test gives the customer an easy way to visualise why purity is important. Most people don't realise how impure their products are because they all look the same at room temperature, consequently, people choose the least expensive fish oil as they all look the same."

The Omega Quality Test

What else do you look for before you buy?

  • Does the Manufacturer declare the type of Fish used in their products?

If they don't declare it, be suspicious, wrong Ocean, wrong fish. Small arctic oily fish would seem to present the best low toxicity options. Worst options: anything from the North Sea, most large fish oils such as Cod Liver Oils, Tuna, Halibut and Salmon Oils.

  • Has the product been independently assessed for Toxicity?

If not ask why. The Ocean is full of PCBs , PCDDs, PCDFs and heavy metals. These materials need to be extracted by all manufacturers and yet we know of a number of High street and Online brands with powerful marketing labels that consist of totally untreated raw fish oil. The eminent health specialist Dr Mercola reckons that most of the oceans and seas are polluted and that 99% of fish is contaminated.

Therefore unless the fish oil has been distilled, you are feeding you and your children poisons. Read the Cerficate of Analysis for Omax3.

  • Does the product contain any artificial additives?

The fish oil might be fine, but do you really want to feed your kids more chemicals. We have taken a selection of High Street brands and have produced a toxicity/ additives table which makes for interesting reading. Click to view the report.

  • Is the relationship between EPA and DHA in accordance with the latest research?

All the experts agree that for Brain issues EPA is the key and the minimum ratio should be 3 parts EPA to 1 part DHA. Foe heart protection the recommendations are at least 1g of DHA per day and the more EPA the better. If you are looking for heart protection the key factor would seem to be DHA in doses of at least 1g per day. We have compiled an "Omega and Specific Conditions" white paper containing references to the latest research. Please click the link.

And finally POTENCY

In an effort to reduce the price to placate the High Street monsters, certain manufacturers are producing Omega products with so little material content that you would need anywhere from 6-15 capsules a day to match the latest research. The effect of this misinformation is that many consumers think they are getting sufficient Omega 3 from these bandwagon products when clearly the amount and type of product are totally useless in terms of health benefits.

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For the new Omega and your body brochure revealing all the latest research data to help you and your family have a healthier life.

Why Pharmaceutical Grade?

One of the reasons why Fish Oil supplements have become increasingly popular is because consumers are becoming aware that a large percentage of the fish we eat is contaminated. Unfortunately some unscrupulous manufacturers of fish oil are simply liquefying the untreated fish and passing the contamination on to you.

Pharmaceutical Grade Fish oil however is cleansed from all toxins and reputable companies expose their products to third party testing. Omax3 is independently tested for purity.

It takes 100 drums of raw fish oil to produce 1 drum of Pharmaceutical Grade.

So don’t be fooled buy the best

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If you want save even more (up to 35% off) call us to find out about our Omega Plan for you and your family

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What the Doctors Say

  • Dr Alex Richardson who is probably the UK's foremost expert in Omega and Children's health suggests a daily dosage of 500mg of EPA for children from 3-12.
  • Dr Bruce Kidd suggests for depression adults should consider between 2-4 grams per day.
  • Doctor Michel de Lorgeril, a French Cardiologist is suggesting a dose of at least 1gram of DHA a day for heart protection. If you would like to read his research findings please click the link.
  • Dr Vlad Coric whose designed OMAX3comments "We are just completing a meta-analysis of the existing studies in depression (examining only the double-blind omega-3 studies done to date)".

We are the UK's No 1 UK Independent Specialist in Pharmaceutical Grade Omega 3 - We Recommend:

Omax3 with 1500mg of Omega-3s per serving
Barlean's Flax Oils
The Omega Plan
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