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Evening Primrose Oil


1. EFAs in the plasma phospholipids of patients with atopic eczema.

  • M.S. Manku, D.F. Horrobin, N.L. Morse, S. Wright and J.L. Burton. British Journal of Dermatology, (1984) 110, 643-648.
  • The Efficacy and Safety of Linolenic Acid in the Treatment of Infantile Atopic Dermatitis.
    A. Fiocchi, M. Sala, P. Signoroni, G. Banderali, C Agostoni, and E. Riva, The Journal of International Medical Research, (1994) 22, 24-32.
  • Evening Primrose Oil in the Treatment of Children with Atopic Eczema.
    A Bordoni, P.L. Biagi, M. Masi, G. Ricci, C. Fanelli, A Patrizi, A. Ceccolini, Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res. (1987) XIV (4) 291-297

2. EPO as a treatment for Premenstrual Syndrome.

  • P.A. Ockerman, I Bachrack, S. Glans and S. Rassner, Recent Advances in Clinical Nutrition, (1986); 2: 404-5
  • Premenstrual Syndrome and Premenstrual Breast Pain: Disorders of the Essential Fatty Acid Metabolism
    D.F. Horrobin, M.S. Manku, Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids (1989) 37; 255-261
  • Essential Fatty Acids (EPO) in the Treatment of Premenstrual Syndrome
    A. Bordoni, P.L. Biagi, E. Turchetto, P. Serroni, A.P. Jaco and C Orlandi, Giornale di Clinica Medica (1987); 68 (1) 23-8


Barlean's Organic Essential Woman is not only an excellent food supplement. It is also an ideal, balanced oil for women with premenstrual syndrome, pre, peri, and post menopausal complaints and is eminently suitable for the prevention of breast cancer.

Barlean's Omega Twin with Flax and Borage Oils
Barlean's Omega Twin is a significant advancement in essential fatty acid nutrition. This product combines our organic flaxseed oil, the world's richest source of alpha linolenic acid, (LNA) Omega-3 with our borage oil, the world's richest source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) Omega-6. A special synergism exists between these two important fatty acids that may potentiate their effects. Both LNA and GLA are required in balancing the body's hormonal response to conditions associated with allergy, inflammation, pain and swelling.
Evening Primrose Complex
Essential Woman an Omega 3 6 9 Complex with organic oils including EPO and Lignans
Skin Care & Beauty
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