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"Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and ADHD" Can Nutrition Help?
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The Calm Down Diet
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Prof Puri's Book - A Natural Way to beat ADHD
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ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia
& Behavioural Disorders

There has been intense interest in some of the remarkable results with the supplementation of essential fatty acids for a variety of associated conditions including ADHD, ADD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and the Autism Spectrum in both children and adults. In order to understand the possible links we would strongly recommend that you read Dr Alex Richardsons Paper "Fatty Acids in Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ADHD and the Autistic Spectrum".

These theories are currently being tested in a number of trials in the UK and their results are expected imminently.

The trials are being conducted using pharmaceutical grade fish oils which are high in EPA and low in DHA (both components of fish oil), these levels vary drastically from those normally found in oils such as standard fish oils & cod liver oil.

The Calm-down Diet

How Healthy Food Cured Teenagers’ Aggression

Just a month after starting a healthy diet instead of eating junk food, disruptive pupils at a special school began to calm down. They were able to concentrate on lessons for the first time and gradually became more sociable.

They also found more energy and showed a growing self-confidence, according to research for a T.V. documentary. The remarkable turnaround suggests that poor nutrition could be the key to a discipline crisis in schools, say food scientists. More...

About Fatty Acids

Fatty acids play a major role in the structure and function of the brain. They are crucial for normal brain function and play a critical role in a wide range of brain and body functions. However, truly essential fatty acids (EFA) which include Omega-3 cannot be synthesized by the body and must be provided through the diet. The other highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) that the brain needs can usually be synthesized from EFAs, but factors such as lifestyle, disease, restrictive diets and over-processed foods, smoking and drinking coffee and alcohol mean that most people, both children and adults are lacking in these important nutrients.

Potential indicators of a lack of theses important nutrients include:

  • Physical signs of fatty acid deficiency (excessive thirst, frequent urination, rough or dry skin and hair, dandruff, and soft or brittle nails)
  • Allergic tendencies (especially eczema)
  • Visual symptoms (such as poor night vision or sensitivity to bright light, and visual disturbances when reading - e.g. letters and words move, swim or blur on the page)
  • Attention problems (distractibility, poor concentration and working memory)
  • Emotional sensitivity (especially excessive mood swings or undue anxiety)
  • Sleep problems (especially difficulties in settling at night and waking in the morning)
  • More Information

High EPA oils are not Medication

We have been asked many times whether high EPA oils are safe and whether they have any side effects* The answer is a simple no, our ranges of pharmaceutical grade fish oils are natural food ingredients and safer than many of the other foods in your store cupboard!

The only likely side-effects from fish oils would be gastric intolerance, to guard against this, you should gradually build up your dosage (if taking larger doses). Also, as fish oil is a natural and effective way of thinning the blood care should be taken if used in conjunction with blood thinning drugs (e.g. Warfarin) although this doesn't preclude their use they should only be taken in consultation with a medical professional.

Omax and MorEPA are pharmaceutical grade oils, which means they are very pure and do not contain the heavy metals or pollutants which are associated with fish and fish oils. For an explanation of the meaning of Pharmaceutical Grade Oils - read this.

Choosing an Oil

We have the privilege of offering you an outstanding range of high EPA oils to choose from, if you need help in choosing the right one to match your needs, please contact us

Did our mums know this instinctively?
A Personal Observation and not Scientific!

When I was growing up in the 60s and 70s fast food was unheard of. Most of my friends mums didn't work or only worked part-time and so the majority of us went home to a properly cooked meal consisting of meat/fish, vegetables and potatoes. As a nation we ate far more oily fish than we do today. It was also common for mothers to give cod liver oil supplements to their children.

ADHD was uncommon, as was Dyslexia, Asthma, allergies, Hay fever; all of which are becoming increasingly common in today's fast food society. Could the reduction in consumption of essential fatty acids be part of the reason for this increase? Some would say that this is a coincidence - but is it? We will have to wait for the results of the latest trials to see.

* Dont take these or any oils or fats if suffering from liver failure. If you are suffering from any medical condition you should consult your physician before starting any supplement programme.

Other Information in this Section

Visit our ever growing News Web Site, which is regularly updated with articles and information supporting the use of essential fatty acid supplementation in Learning, Concentration and Behavioural Problems and Hyperactivity (ADHD)

Dr Alex Richardsons Paper

"Fatty Acids in Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ADHD and the Autistic Spectrum" We Strongly advise that you read this fascinating paper on the link between fatty acids and dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD and the Autistic Spectrum.

Dr Puri's Book

"Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Natural Way to Treat ADHD"  by Basant K. Puri which is available through Amazon UK
Omega Berry
Kid's Hate the taste of fish oil?
Omax3 with 1500mg of Omega-3 EPA/DHA per serving
MorEPA & MorDHA Range
The Omega Plan

Did you Know?

Cod Liver Oil ONLY contains around 18% Omega 3. So what else is in it?
We DON'T sell Cod Liver Oil and that's for a good reason.....
Find out more

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