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MorEPA Fish Oil - High in EPA Omega 3

Advice from the Scientific Advisory Panel*

For children of all ages, a regular intake of omega-3 is desirable for optimal brain development and function.

Under 5s

For children under 5, a direct supply of DHA is helpful as this is an essential component of the actual structure of the brain and nervous system. (For this reason, pregnant mothers should also ensure a good intake of DHA - along with other essential nutrients - to support the developing babys brain growth without putting their own supplies at risk of depletion. There is evidence that a low intake of omega-3 may increase the risk of maternal depression, for example.)

Older Children

For older children, a greater emphasis should probably be placed on EPA, as this plays a more functional role.* Considerable research - including our own - now supports the view that EPA is likely to be more helpful than DHA in reducing difficulties in behaviour, learning and mood. Thus although both are important, a high-EPA formulation may be more suitable for children beyond the age of 5, and also for adults.

EPA is used to make other substances in the brain and body that regulate hormone balance, immune function and blood flow - and the ones made from EPA are essential to counterbalance others made from the omega-6 fatty acid, AA. The latter is plentiful in modern diets (mainly from meat and dairy produce), but its derivatives promote inflammation and blood clotting, while EPAs derivatives are anti-inflammatory and improve blood flow.

Re seeking medical advice - this is always sensible for anyone who is taking any dietary supplement (or even making any significant change to their diet), so we would support the FSA recommendation. Any good doctor should know that omega-3 are essential nutrients that are often lacking from modern diets.

The main issue here is that some fish oil supplements may be contaminated with traces of heavy metals, PCBs or dioxins, because unfortunately not all manufacturers take sufficient care over the quality of their oils and manufacturing methods.

Another issue concerns fish liver oils - which may be too rich in Vitamins A and D for long-term use at high doses.

Minami Nutrition products are exemplary in both of these respects, and this (together with their high concentration of the key omega-3) was one of the key reasons behind our decision to use them in our own research into behavioural and learning difficulties.

Regarding safety

The only known negative side-effects of omega-3 fatty acid supplements, even at high doses, concern digestive intolerance (i.e. nausea and loose stools). This affects only a small minority of individuals (estimated at less than 3% of the general population), but obviously, those with a known fish allergy should avoid such products.

One other point is that anyone taking anti-coagulant medications should notify their doctor before taking high doses of any fish oil, as this can have natural anti-coagulant effects (usually regarded as one of the major health benefits). This is obviously much more likely to apply to adults than to children, but provides another reason why people are advised to inform their medical practitioner when they take any supplement.

*Scientific Advisory Panel
to the Manufacturer's of MorEPA (& MorDHA) Oils


Jo Wyckmans, president, Minami Nutrition Ltd,UK, Minami Nutrition SA Belgium

Scientific Board Members:

  • Professor Dr. Artemis Simopoulos, MD, Director of Genetics, Nutrition and Health, Washington DC., USA (author of the Omega Diet)
  • Dr. Alexandra J. Richardson, PhD, Mansfield College and University Laboratory of Physiology, Oxford UK
  • Professor Dr. Krishna Vaddadi, Associated Professor of Psychiatry, Monash University, Monash Medical Center, Clayton, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Professor Dr. Jaak Ph. Janssens M.D, Ph D., Chairman of the European Cancer Prevention Organisation, Belgium
  • Professor Dr. Malcolm Peet,MD, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, University of Sheffield, UK
  • Professor Dr.Michael Maes, MD, PhD; Professor of Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology; University Hospital of Maastricht, The Netherlands.
    Associated Professor of Psychiatry, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA.
  • Professor Dr. Per A. Gustafsson, Associated Professor, Department of Child Psychiatry, Division of Molecular and Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Linköping University, Sweden
  • Professor Dr. Regina C. Casper, M.D. Department of Psychiatry, Director Womens Wellness Clinic, Director Medical Student Education Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, CA, USA
  • Dr. Werner Faché MD, President, Belgian Orthomolecular Society, Belgium
EPA Omega 3 may benefit the Brain & Nervous system, Eyes, Heart & Circulation, Joints etc.
MorEPA SmartFats
MorEPA Mini
DHA Omega 3 supports growth, function and brain development.
MorDHA IQ Minis


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