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Barleans Organic Flaxseed Oils

Barleans Organic Flaxseed Oil Recipes

  1. Quick and easy
  2. Fruit smoothies
  3. Peach tart
  4. Muesli with fresh fruit and seeds
  5. Wholemeal sandwich with peanut butter and carrots
  6. Spaghetti with pesto and peas
  7. Marinated Cauliflower Salad
  8. Fast and healthy breakfast
  9. Courgette caper salad
  10. Delicious tuna salad
  11. Lentil salad
  12. Dressing
  13. Carrot salad
  14. Tricolour Salad

Quick and easy

Mix 2 tablespoons of Barleans Flax Oil with natural Greek yoghurt and a spoonful of maple syrup or pure honey.

For a delicious quick and easy salad dressing:

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of Barleans Flax Oil, 3 of white wine vinegar, the juice of half a lime, a teaspoon of pure honey and a dash of sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.
  • Toss vigorously into the salad of your choice. This will be enough for 4 servings.

Fruit smoothies

Smoothies work on every level theyre good for you, theyre easy and they taste great! Use any fruits you like.

Strawberry smoothie

2 cups of frozen strawberries
1 cup of bio active yoghurt
1 cup of skimmed milk or soy milk
2 tablespoons of Barleans flax oil

Blend and serve! Garnish with a sprig of fresh mint.

Peach tart (for 1 tart)


1 pre-baked shortcrust pastry base, 5-6 large fresh peaches (stoned and peeled), 3 tablespoons freshly squeezed orange juice, 1/2 cup fresh cashew nuts, 3 tablespoons of pure maple syrup, 1/2 cup of water, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 1/2 cup of freshly pressed organic flax seed oil (Barleans Flax Oil Complex), fresh mint, 1/2 l natural yoghurt if necessary.


  • Cut the peaches into thin half moon shaped slices.
  • Put them in a large bowl and mix with the orange juice.
  • Blend the cashew nuts with the maple syrup, water and vanilla extract in a blender or food processor to a creamy consistency.
  • Slowly add the flax seed oil whilst stirring. The mixture will thicken, but should maintain a pouring consistency.
  • Spread a thin layer of the cashew mixture across the pre-baked pastry base. Top with an interleaved layer of peach slices. Add another layer of cashew mixture, followed by another layer of peaches etc. Finish with a layer of peaches.
  • Leave to set in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours before serving.
  • Decorate with fresh mint leaves and add a spoonful of natural yoghurt, if required, before serving.

Muesli with fresh fruit & seeds (breakfast or lunch for 1)


2 portions of fresh seasonal fruits (e.g. 1 kiwi and 1 apple, one portion of strawberries and 1 banana, 1 peach and a handful of grapes), 1 portion of organic muesli or oat flakes, 1 hand full of cashew, pecan and Brazil nuts, 1 tablespoon of sunflower seeds, 1 tablespoon of pine kernels, 1/2 tablespoon of pumpkin seeds, one and a half tablespoons of freshly pressed, organic flax seed oil, a teaspoon of honey if necessary.


  • Peel and/or wash the fruit and cut it into small pieces.
  • Add muesli or oat flakes, seeds, kernels and nuts.
  • Pour a cup of kefir or bio-natural yoghurt over this mixture and mix well.
  • Add the "Barleans" flax seed oil and mix again. Eat immediately.

Wholemeal sandwich with peanut butter and carrots (breakfast or lunch for 1)


1 tablespoon of organic freshly pressed Barlean's flax seed oil, 2 tablespoons of organic peanut butter (without preservatives), 2 slices of wholemeal bread, 1/4 cup of grated carrots, lettuce or alfalfa shoots.


  • Mix the peanut butter with the Barlean's flax seed oil into a smooth paste.
  • Spread both slices of bread with the mixture and add lettuce or alfalfa. Put the two slices together and cut into four diagonally.

Spaghetti with pesto and peas (meal for 2)


250 g spaghetti, 2 crushed cloves of garlic, 4 cups of fresh basil leaves, 4 tablespoons of pine kernels, pinch of salt, 1/4 cup of organic freshly pressed Barlean's flax seed oil, 1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil, 2 cups of peas (frozen if necessary).


  • Prepare the pasta according to the instructions on the packaging.
  • Meanwhile prepare the pesto: put the garlic, basil leaves, pine kernels, salt, flax seed oil and olive oil in a food processor and mix into a thick paste.
  • Prepare the peas according to the instructions on the packaging.
  • Keep 1/2 cup of the pasta water before draining the spaghetti. Mix the pasta water with 1/4 cup of pesto and mix thoroughly.
  • Put the pasta in a large bowl. Add the peas and pour over the pesto. Mix well and serve immediately.
  • TIP: Pour a thin layer of olive oil over the pesto mixture and it will keep in the refrigerator for several weeks.

Marinated Cauliflower Salad (starter for 4)


1 large cauliflower (core removed and cut into sections), approx. 20 green olives (finely sliced), 1 green pepper (finely sliced), 1 medium onion (chopped), 1 teaspoon very finely chopped chilli, for the marinade: 1/4 glass of organic flax seed oil (Barleans Flax Oil Complex), juice of 1/2 lime, 3 tablespoons of white wine vinegar, pinch of salt or herb salt, 1/2 teaspoon honey, ground black pepper.


  • Mix all salad ingredients in a large salad bowl.
  • Mix all marinade ingredients in a bowl and pour over the salad.
  • Chill briefly in the refrigerator and serve. Sweeten with honey if necessary.

Fast and healthy breakfast

To a bowl of organic complete corn flakes with fruit, add organic puffed Kamut, followed by some organic kefir and organic soy milk, and add one tablespoon organic fresh "Barleans" Flax Oil Complex or Essential Woman, or Omega Twin and mix it into a healthy and hearty breakfast. It will benefit your intestine, skin and immune system.

Supplements such as vitamin E and selenium can be added to this type of breakfast.

Courgette caper salad

(lunch or side dish for 4)


4 medium sized courgettes (cut into four lengthways, and then cut into thin slices into approx. 4 cm pieces), 1 small red pepper (deseeded and chopped), 2 tablespoons large capers (well rinsed), 1 head of red type lettuce (washed and finely chopped), 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley, 1 tablespoon of freshly pressed organic flax seed oil, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon of mustard, ground black pepper.


  • Mix the courgettes, pepper, capers and parsley in a salad bowl.
  • In another smaller bowl mix the flax seed oil (Barleans), lemon juice and mustard. Add freshly ground black pepper and mix well.
  • Pour the dressing over the courgette mixture and mix the dressing evenly into the salad.
  • Prepare a bed of red lettuce leaves on 4 separate plates. Arrange the courgette mixture in the centre of each plate and serve immediately

Delicious tuna salad

(lunch for 2)


A large tin of tuna in its own juice, 1 finely chopped shallot, 2 finely chopped radishes, 1 piece of celery finely chopped, 1 tablespoon of mild mustard, 1 tablespoon of organic freshly pressed flax seed oil (Barleans), a pinch of cayenne pepper.


  • Mix the tuna with all other ingredients in a medium sized bowl.
  • Serve with wholemeal bread or on toast.

Lentil Salad

(lunch for 4)


1 cup of dried lentils, 2 cups of water, 1 bay leaf, 1 clove of garlic finely chopped, 1 teaspoon of salt or herbs, 2 tablespoons of chopped shallot, 1/2 cup of chopped parsley, 1 teaspoon of mustard, 1 tablespoon of organic freshly pressed flax seed oil (Barleans), 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1/2 cup of grated carrots, ground black pepper.


  • Rinse the lentils and place them in the two cups of water, together with the bay leaf, garlic and salt.
  • Bring to the boil. Lower the heat and allow to simmer for approx. half an hour. Drain and remove the bay leaf.
  • Put the lentils in a medium sized dish. Add the shallot, parsley, mustard, flax seed oil and lemon juice.
  • Mix well and add freshly ground pepper.
  • Decorate with the grated carrots.

Salad Dressing


4 tablespoons sesame oil, 4 tablespoons flax seed oil, 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar, 3 tablespoons rice vinegar, 2 tablespoons black currant syrup, herb salt


  • Mix all ingredients.
  • Serve as a dressing with a green salad.

Carrot salad

(side dish for 4)


500 g carrots, 2-3 (lactic fermented) gherkins, 1 onion, 3 tablespoons of sunflower seeds, 4 tablespoons of flax seed oil (Barleans), 4 tablespoons of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons mineral water, cress, a handful of parsley


  • Finely grate the carrots.
  • Slice the gherkins.
  • Mix the carrot, gherkin, finely chopped onion and sunflower seeds.
  • Mix the dressing ingredients.
  • Mix the dressing with the salad and leave for 20 minutes for the flavours to develop.
  • Garnish with cress and parsley.

Tricolor Salad - for One


  • 3/4 organic Tomatoes, few slices of Mozarella Cheese, 1 avocado, lettuce
  • For the Pesto: 1 tablespoon of barleans flax seed oil, plenty of fresh basil, pine kernals, grated parmesan cheese, seasoning to taste.


  • Mix the pesto ingredients in a small processor or pestle and mortar.
  • wash and prepare lettuce leaves
  • Slice tomatoes
  • Slice Mozarella Cheese
  • Slice the avocado
  • Arrange the lettuce leaves across a plate. Moving across the plate arrange the tomatoes in a crescent, followed by the mozarella, then the avocado.
  • Carefully spoon the pesto across the salad
  • Eat and enjoy

About Barlean's Flax Oil Complex

Barlean's Flax Oil Complex (high in Lignans) provides an important contribution to the immune system, the condition of the heart and blood vessels, a "healthy cholesterol" level, the digestion and intestinal function, joint flexibility and sporting performance. Containing a balance of Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids.


High Lignans Flax Oil
Barleans Flax Oil Complex high in Lignans
Omega Twin
Essential Woman
Omega Man
Barleans Greens
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