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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
and Myalgic Encephalopathy (ME)

CFS affects almost 250,000 people in Britain, causing overwhelming fatigue, muscle pain and memory loss. A recent study confirms research carried out more than a decade ago which found fish oil supplements helped reverse some symptoms.

People severely ill with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also known as myalgic encephalopathy (ME), have a chemical imbalance in the brain.

Research involving sophisticated scans suggests sufferers' brains are being flooded with a chemical that could trigger mental and physical problems.

Researchers led by Prof. Basant Puri, from Hammersmith Hospital, West London, compared brain functioning of eight sufferers with that of eight volunteers without the condition.

They found that the brains of chronic fatigue sufferers had higher levels of the chemical choline, which controls fat levels and nerve transmission, compared with creatine, which provides energy. Flooding the brain with choline interferes with its ability to process fats essential to the proper working of cell membranes. The fatty acid EPA, found in fish oil supplements, could re-establish a normal pattern of chemical activity.

In summary

Taking specialised fish oil supplements, which are rich in the fatty acid EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) ought to correct the chemical imbalance, the researchers say.

1st Vitality specialise in high concentration pharmaceutical grade oils including MorEPA (mentioned in Dr Puri's book). For help on choosing the right one for your needs please contact us

Omax3 developed by Physicians & Scientists at Yale
2 capsules provide 1125mg of E-EPA & 275mg of DHA
For a min. 2g of Omega 3
take 3 capsules
MorEPA Smartfats

For a min. 2g of Omega 3
take 4 capsules
The Omega Plan
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