In a two-part investigation, nutritionist Patrick Holford took three disruptive youngsters and substituted their diets of junk food for a strict healthy eating plan, to test the theory that it can improve concentration and sleep patterns. Presented by Trevor McDonald.
One of Patrick's 5 main suggestions is to supplement youngter's diets with a fish oil supplement similar to award winning Omax3 & OmegaBerry, both these products are pure, concentrated, natural & mercury free.
The Calm-down Diet
How Healthy Food Cured Teenagers’ Aggression
Just a month after starting a healthy diet instead of eating junk food, disruptive pupils at a special school began to calm down.
They were able to concentrate on lessons for the first time and gradually became more sociable.
They also found more energy and showed a growing self-confidence, according to research for a T.V. documentary.
The remarkable turnaround suggests that poor nutrition could be the key to a discipline crisis in schools, say food scientists.
In an experiment for ITV1’s Tonight with Trevor McDonald, three disruptive pupils agreed to have their diets analysed.
All three attend Meade Hill Special School for children with behavioural problems in Manchester , having been expelled from other schools.
Leading nutritionist Patrick Holford discovered the boys, all aged 14, were consuming vast amounts of hidden sugar, sometimes the equivalent of more than 100 teaspoons a day. He also found other links to diet s the experiment unfolded and on the programme all the boys report a dramatic change in their outlooks.
Liam Illes was withdrawn and lacking in confidence, often choosing to sit outside the head’s office rather than mix with other pupils.
Mr Holford found that he had extremely high levels of homocysteine in his blood indicating a severe vitamin B deficiency. A new diet brought down the level to just above normal.
Liam tells the programme: ‘Now I’m not tired at all. I’m less bored and I’m concentrating better. I’m a lot calmer’
His mother Donna, 37, says: ‘He has come out of himself. He mixed more and has more confidence.’
Richard Taylor had to be restrained in class due to violent outbursts. He would eat ten choc ices at one go but curbed his intake with a diet from Mr Holford.
‘In the last week I’ve noticed that I have more energy’ he says. ‘My concentration is more even. I feel more in control.’
The third volunteer, Reece Billington, was found to have a zinc deficiency. He too has better concentration and more energy since starting the diet.
‘I can now sit through a whole maths class and pay attention,’ he says. All the boys were allergic to milk products and two to gluten, intolerances linked to aggression and poor concentration.
Mr Holford, who runs the Brain Bio Centre which tackles mental health problems by improving nutrition, said: ‘These kids were digging their own graves with a knife and fork.’
‘We’re seeing outrageous imbalances in brain chemistry caused by the kinds of foods that sadly millions of kids are eating, and no one’s doing anything about it.’
1st Vitality Note
One of the key nutritional elements in Holford's diet plan is the addition of a high quality Omega 3 supplement.
It's a Health Time Bomb - 65% of UK households never eat fish
Fish provides "Omega 3 EPA & DHA" which is an essential nutrient and the basis of good health. Unless you get it in your diet, the body will be deficient. Importantly, Omega 3 forms about 50% of the dry weight of the brain. If you don't eat enough omega 3 rich food, the brain simply doesn't function properly.
Signs of omega 3 deficiency include lack of concentration, mood swings, poor sleeping, allergies and depression. It's estimated that 90% of children don't eat enough omega 3 and that means 90% are deficient of this vital nutrient.
We believe that children need 2 - 3 portions of fatty fish per week (e.g. sardines, anchovies, mackeral). To ensure that they get enough Omega 3 take a high quality, pure and mercury free fish oil such as:
Morepa Mini & Morepa Smartfasts - Pure, clean, pharmaceutical-grade Fish Oil. Either on its own or combined with Evening Primrose Oil in a naturally strawberry flavoured soft gel capsule (fish gelatin).