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Omega 3 & Children

Could your child's diet be deficient in Omega-3?

If your child's diet doesn't include a regular intake of oily fish, then it is possible that they could have an essential fatty acid deficiency. Signs that the body isn't being supplied with high enough levels of Omega 3 can include:

Attention Problems

  • Difficulty in seeing jobs through to the end
  • Distracted easily
  • Difficulty seeing tasks through to completion
  • Attention is difficult to sustain
  • Doesn't seem to listen to others around them
  • Forgetful in day to day activity
  • Can make careless mistakes

Skin, Hair & Nail Problems

  • Dry Skin
  • dry flaky scalp
  • Dry Hair
  • brittle, or soft peeling nails
  • "Goose pimple" type skin, particularly on the upper arms or top of the legs.
  • Tendency towards allergies and skin sensitivity

Eyesight Problems

  • Poor night-time vision
  • Sensitive to bright light
  • Headaches
  • Eye-strain
  • Loses place on page when reading
  • Words or letters move around when reading

Personality Problems

  • Tendency to become frustrated
  • Tendency to be oversensitive & emotional
  • Tendency to overdo and over-react to situations and subsequently become over-tired
  • Tendency to be melancholic

If some of these sound all too familiar and you know that you're not eating regular amounts of Omega 3 (through fish or other sources) then you should consider increasing your intake of healthy Omega-3 oils. If you don't like fish, try taking a good quality supplement.

N.B. Some of these symptoms can also be a sign of an underlying illnesses for which you should seek advice from your GP.

Omega Berry
Kid's Hate the taste of fish oil?
Omax3 with 1500mg of Omega-3 EPA/DHA per serving
MorEPA & MorDHA Range
The Omega Plan

Did you Know?

Cod Liver Oil ONLY contains around 18% Omega 3. So what else is in it?
We DON'T sell Cod Liver Oil and that's for a good reason.....
Find out more

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