Carnosine (L-Carnosine)
Carnosine - A Multi-Potent Super-Antioxidant
Carnosine is an antioxidant which stabilizes and protects the cell membrane. Specifically, as a water-soluble free radical scavenger it prevents lipid peroxidation within the cell membrane. Many antioxidants (like vitamins E and C) are aimed at preventing free radicals from entering the tissues, but have no effect after this first line of defense is broken. Free radicals cause oxidative stress in the body.
Carnosine is not only effective in prevention, but it is also active after free radicals react to form other dangerous compounds, like lipid peroxides and and secondary products. So, it protects the tissues from these damaging 'second-wave' chemicals. For example, a highly reactive lipid peroxidation end-product called malondialdehyde or MDA, a dangerous product of free radical reactions, is blocked by carnosine. MDA, if left uncontrolled, can cause damage to lipids, enzymes and DNA, and plays a part in the process of atherosclerosis, joint inflammation, cataract formation, and aging in general. Carnosine, by reacting and inactivating MDA, sacrifices itself in order to protect the amino acids on the protein molecule.
A rather unusual antioxidant property of carnosine is its ability to reduce concentrations of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS).
Carnosine is a substance that protects and extends the functional life of the body's key building blocks-cells, proteins, DNA, and lipids and can be fairly called an agent of longevity.
Interacting with aldehydic lipid oxidation products, carnosine protects biological tissues from oxidation, since aldehydes can form adducts with DNA, proteins, enzymes, and lipoproteins, causing harmful alterations in their biological activity (Burcham et al. 2002).

Carnosine reacts chemically all reactive oxygen species thus preventing oxidative stress.
Oxidative stress and trauma cause a reduction in carnosine levels, which may help explain the increased mortality in the elderly following stressful events. That is why proper antioxidant defense is crucial for good health, in particular for elderly individuals. Carnosine in an all-in-one super antioxidant pill for those, who do not wish to swallow a handful of tablets every day.
The anti-ageing properties of carnosine go far beyond its antioxidant properties, as you will soon learn.
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