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Carnosine (L-Carnosine)

Carnosine and other Elixirs of Youth - The Miraculous Anti-Ageing Supplement by Marios Kyriazis MD

There is a growing awareness in the scientific, and indeed the general community, that the ageing process is not completely irreversible; that it is possible to prevent a number of ate-related diseases and to slow down, and even reverse some to the damage caused by ageing. One of the most promising and powerful tools in the fight against the ageing process in the nutrient, Carnosine.

There have been many claims and misconceptions about the possible and actual benefits of Carnosine, but Dr. Kyriazis puts the record straight. He presents the evidence in a balanced and persuasive style, abasing his arguments on sound scientific data, but using non-technical terminology so that the information is easily accessible to a wide audience. He demonstrates that the benefits of Carnosine are greatly enhanced if it is used with a handful of other nutrients and supplements. The combination of these creates the most potent modern equivalent of the "Elixir of Youth"

"This book is a welcome addition for those interested in anti-aging/life extension. Dr Kyriazis explains complicated scientific concepts in terms that are readily understood by the average reader, yet he avoids "talking down" to the professional. This book focuses on some of the most important anti-aging substances currently available. Of particular significance is the history and science underlying the important anti-aging substance Carnosine. This is an essential book for anti-aging physicians and their patients. " - Ward Dean MD author of Biological Aging Measurement.

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Dr Marios Kyriazis is an internationally acclaimed pioneer in the science and application of anti-ageing medicine. He is a practising physician who studied gerontology (the science of ageing) at King's College, London. He has a Diploma in Geriatric Medicine from the Royal College of Physicians of London, and is a Chartered Biologist, and member of the Institute of Biology for his work in the biology of ageing. He is the founder of The British Longevity Society and adviser to several other age-related organisations. He lives in Apsley, Hertfordshire, England.

How to Order

  • To Order the book "Carnosine: And Other Elixirs of Youth" Visit

  • To Order Carnosine this most fascinating supplement, please visit our online store.

Read the interview with its author Dr Marios Kyriazis MD

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