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Flaxseed - Flaxseed Oils & Lignans

Latin: Linum usitatissimum (L), also known as linseed, common flax, lint bells, winterlien

Clinical studies have demonstrated that omega-3 fatty acids can offer us some protection against a number of Western degenerative diseases such as cancer, heart disease, arthritis and kidney failure. Recent studies also show their importance in the maintenance of eye and brain function (particularly EPA & DHA).

There are 3 types of Omega 3 fatty acids:

  • Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is obtained from plant sources including kidney beans, soybeans, flaxseed and flaxseed oil.
  • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) from fish oils
  • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) from fish oils

This section of our site focuses on the nutritional value of Flaxseed & Flaxseed Oils, a rich source of Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) an Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acid.

Flaxseed: Nature's Richest Source of Plant Lignans

Flaxseed contains the phyto-chemical lignan, which has been proven scientifically to exhibit estrogenic activity, which may hold implications in estrogen related mammary and colon problems. Barlean's Organic Flaxseed Oil is now available at 1st Vitality and is high in lignan possessing all of the qualities of flaxseed oil with the extra benefit of additional lignans. More>>

Heart Health: The Complete Regimen

Whether you have had a first heart attack or want to prevent one, to get the most out of your diet you need to be sure to add the omega-3 fatty acids to your health regimen. These essential fatty acids are available from both select seafood sources (e.g., wild salmon and tuna) and flax. We recommend a combination of both. More>>


Barleans Organic Oils & Greens

Barleans is the top selling brand of organic flaxseed oils in the USA. We are delighted to introduct a selection from their range of high quality products.


Other Information

More About EFAS

Essential Fatty Acids are as vital to us as vitamins and have many health benefits when combined in a healthy diet. More>>

High Lignans Flax Oil
Barleans Flax Oil Complex high in Lignans
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Essential Woman
Omega Man
Barleans Greens
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