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Airnergy Wellness
Airnergy Stream
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Possibly the most important weapon in the battle for better health.

Airnergy is a portable, compact machine for use in the home that creates "energised air" that feeds every cell in your body with oxygen that it can absorb and use more efficiently.

  • Boosts energy levels making you feel stronger, fitter and faster
  • Increases your mental agility, making you more alert
  • Strengthens your immune system to fight infection and disease.
  • Stimulates your circulation, heart, lung and brain function.
  • Reduces stress, tiredness and the effects of chronic illness.

More oxygen in every cell results in an enhanced immune system, reducing vulnerability to disease, and an increase in the function and efficiency of the heart and lungs.

Used regularly, ideally for 20 minutes every day, Airnergy can lead to a longer and healthier life. Its effectiveness has been researched specifically but not limited to the treatment of chronic asthma and macular degeneration. Members of the German Olympic and the paralympic term use Airnergy as part of their formal training programme, helping them recover more quickly after intense exercise. Airnergy officially sponsor the German Paralympic squad.

Recommendations for Use

Airnergy is specifically recommended for use by individuals wishing

  • To maintain and maximise health as the ageing process kicks in
  • Sports people eager to improve their performance
  • Smokers who wish to minimise the harmful effects of their smoking habit
  • As a therapy for many chronic and debilitating illnesses, including cardio vascular illnesses; lung disease like chronic asthma and emphysema, as well as metabolic disorders such as diabetes and chronic fatigue syndrome.

The Device

It's simple and easy to use. At least 20 minutes three times a week but preferably every day

  • The small device requires virtually no maintenance
  • To operate, plug in device, supply it with filtered/still water, then breathe the air it emits
  • There are no known negative side effects. You can't overdose.
  • Over 6000 machines have been sold world-wide
  • Regulatory certifications for consumer safety have been successfully awarded.

The Cost

With minimal running costs and around 2000 hours of operation before servicing (8000 therapies of 15 minutes on a Professional Plus device) each therapy sessions costs just 55p. Airnergy could be the most important long-term investment for you and your family's health today.

Doctor's Comments

Dr Chris Steele
"Airnergy boosts antioxidants, taking away free radicals (a high level of free radicals is a common denominator in most diseases)… Certainly could help patients with M.E. and any degenerative disease like macular degeneration, arthritis and heart disease…."

Dr Claire Bowen: M.E. sufferer -
"My pain levels have greatly reduced, my energy levels have significantly improved, my brain fog has virtually disappeared and even my eyesight in the left eye has improved in only 3 weeks"


Please use for information on prices

Airnergy Professional Plus
for private and clinical usage against almost any type of chronic disease
for fast regeneration
to protect against free radicals
Airnergy units: 4
recommended application*: 15 min
Airnergy Wellness
for all ages when you are in good health
for prevention
Airnergy units: 2
recommended application*: 30 min
Airnergy Stream

for local pain treatment
helps accelerate and improve self-healing and regeneration processes
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