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natural energy solutions AG

The Airnergy method was discovered 15 years ago by researcher Jörg Klemm and is now protected by international patents. He has consistently further developed the therapy in collaboration with a scientific team. Today thousands of devices are in use. By committed physicians, in progressive clinics, in various wellness facilities and now more and more by private individuals – in the USA, throughout Europe and even in the Far East.

In 2000 Airnergy developer Jörg Klemm and his partners founded natural energy solutions AG in Hennef near Bonn, Germany. The company’s aim is that physicians, clinics, but also athletes and private individuals should be able to use the new therapy.

Today, in the company he manages the Research & Development department and works on more pioneering developments based on the Airnergy technology.

Jörg Klemm
The headquarters of natural energy solutions AG are located in Hennef, Germany.
For example, he has developed a device for external application to the point of serial production: AIRNERGYstream. This is a handy device, which among other things can be used to treat complaints such as tinnitus, inflammation of the middle ear, chronic pain, acute injuries and skin disorder – and is already producing some amazing successes.

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Airnergy Professional Plus
for private and clinical usage against almost any type of chronic disease
for fast regeneration
to protect against free radicals
Airnergy units: 4
recommended application*: 15 min
Airnergy Wellness
for all ages when you are in good health
for prevention
Airnergy units: 2
recommended application*: 30 min
Airnergy Stream

for local pain treatment
helps accelerate and improve self-healing and regeneration processes
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