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EPA, a natural way to beat depression
1 or 2g of EPA a Day
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Depression, Mood & Stress

1g or 2g of EPA a Day

EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) is a type of Omega 3 essential fatty acid which is found in fish. Research suggests that taking 1g - 2g of EPA Omega 3 daily may help combat depression (See News, Research & Links).

Some fish oils can contain contaminants and can also cause gastric intolerance, however, few people are aware of the availability of a new breed of oils which have been refined in order to:

  • Increase EPA content and minimize DHA content*
  • Minimize and/or eliminate contamination by heavy metals, PCBs & Dioxins
  • Minimize and/or eliminate gastric intolerance by purification of the oil

We Recommend

We recommend Pharmaceutical Grade omega 3 oils high in EPA, these oils are concentrated above normal levels of Omega 3...

You can easily obtain 1g of EPA per day by taking:

You can easily obtain 2g of EPA per day by taking:

What's Wrong with taking Cod Liver Oil?

Look at the graph below, we took 6 popular Cod Liver Oil products and compared the Omega 3 content against the Pharmaceutical Grade Omega 3 supplement Omax3. To see the graph in more detail just click on the image below.



Omega 3 Content



Other Ingredients

click image to view full size

What's Wrong with Ordinary Fish Oils?

  • Many high street stores offer "High EPA Fish Oils". Always check the label for EPA content and you'll see that the EPA content is higher than Cod Liver Oil but not that much higher!
  • For example: "EPA Fish Oil Concentrate 1000mg" - you'd need 6 capsules to obtain 1g of EPA, that's 6,000mg of Oil! The DHA* content is high too and therefore this type of fish oil is unsuitable for obtaining 1g of EPA as discussed in this section.

*Leading researchers state that it is important to maximize the ratio of EPA to DHA. i.e. High EPA and low DHA

Why Quality & Purity is so Important

  • Why do some fish oils repeat and burn, yet others don't?
  • How pure are fish oils and how do we know we're not ingesting harmful toxins?
  • How can you get the full benefit of taking fish oil without any of the side effects?

Jo Wykmans explains how to choose a fish oil for optimum benefit and why it is important to understand the differences between the available options. This article explains the difference between Health Food & Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oils and why so many of us are turning towards high quality oils. More...


Omax3 with 1500mg of Omega-3s per serving
MorEPA Smartfats
More Self Help
We Recommend...
Uncovers the pioneering discovery of EPA as an effective treatment of - even the most severe- depression. .
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