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Vector Electrolysis Professional Hair Removal System

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the treatment painful?

There will be a tingling sensation during treatment, but most people tolerate it well. There are different power settings for different levels of comfort. However, there should be some tingling sensation for successful results.

How long does it take to see results?

Electrolysis permanently destroys hair. However, even after you completely clear an area in one treatment you will see some re-growth. The new growth that you see is not the same hair that you treated originally but fresh anagen hairs, which were resting at the time of the original treatment. Human hair grows in cycles and therefore not all hair is growing at once. If hair was not growing in cycles then humans would look like apes. It usually takes 3 to 4 months for all hairs to go through a complete growth cycle and all hairs will need to be electrolyzed before they stop their cycle. After each treatment you will notice about a 20% reduction in hair growth in the treatment area. This reduction is permanent and will compound until there is no more hair growth in the treatment area.

What would be considered permanent hair removal?

Permanent hair removal can not be completed in a single treatment of the area. Because hair grows in cycles you will have about a 20% reduction in hair growth. As the hair goes through all its cycles there will be no more hair growth.

Is this procedure going to irritate my skin?

There might be little red spots appearing around the treated area but they are only temporary, so do not be alarmed. You should consider that an indication of successful treatment since there are high levels of sodium hydroxide in the hair shaft.

What is the purpose of the patch electrodes? Does this provide a faster alternative to the tweezers?

The tweezers are the main treating article and what you would use as holding the hair for the time indicated in the manual. The electrode patch is designed to act strictly as the ground wire for the device - it should be placed anywhere on your body.

Is it possible to order the Vector from Asian, European, and African countries?

Yes. Please contact one of our dealers for further information and instructions on ordering a Vector from your specific geographic location.

If it takes a few hair cycles to achieve permanent removal how can I be certain that the procedure is working for me?

If you are interested in testing the effectiveness of the Vector System, we suggest selecting a small treatment area such as eyebrows. This area has accelerated cycles and will be much easier to monitor for successful treatment then a large area such as your legs or chest.

I am a man with dark leg hair. Will the Vector work for me?

Yes. Vector is far from another non-functional, battery-operated device on the market. It is a full AC powered electrolysis unit that works just as well as ones in the salon. The Vector system does work on individual hairs and therefore a large area such as your legs will take a lengthy amount of time to treat. But keep in mind that once treated, the hair will never return. Unfortunately there are no miracles in the hair removal business and anyone trying to advertise one to you is either uneducated or lying for the sale.

How long do the gel and the patches that are included with the machine last?

Depending on the area of treatment, the gel will usually last a month to a month and a half of daily treatment. The patches can be reused until the adhesive is not sticking to the skin.

Is the Vector Safe?

If you are interested in testing the effectiveness of the Vector System, we suggest selecting a small treatment area such as eyebrows. This area has accelerated cycles and will be much easier to monitor for successful treatment then a large area such as your legs or chest.

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Vector Hair Removal System
Now available for the first time in the UK
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